Neil Young Who? | Have We Entered Self-Cancellation Culture?

Neil Young Who? | Have We Entered Self-Cancellation Culture?

On this episode, we will be discussing the musical artist, Neil Young's cancellation of himself (yes, actually) when he delivered an ultimatum to Spotify and demanded that the streaming platform either delete Joe Rogan's podcast (yes, the same Joe Rogan Spotify paid $100M to in a licensing deal) or remove Neil's music altogether. Spotify clearly sided with Joe Rogan (and free speech/expression) and now Young's music has been removed from the platform. This whole fiasco is fascinating to me, but what is most intriguing about this is that Cancel Culture has taken a swift and unpredicted turn into literal self-cancellation. Neil Young would rather lose out on money and exposure than hear a viewpoint that he disagrees with -- the guy is literally cancelling himself over not being able to handle -- not even listening to -- but just knowing that someone else has a different opinion from him. It's crazy! I just think the psychology of this is extremely interesting, but mainly we will be discussing how much of a dumb, idiotic loser move this was, both professionally and personally.

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